Heads Up about 12-12-12 and 12-21-12
The New Age and pagan communities are focusing on the upcoming dates of 12-12-12 and 12-21-12, so please keep up your personal shield on those days as well as a day before them due to possible time zone differences. It is up to you if you would like to expand your personal shield toward the Earth and also perform any of the techniques in my book and on this website.
Chapters 7 and 8 in my book help explain the fallen angelic plans for these two dates which are expected to still occur but with comparatively worse energy. They will send highly distorted, Metatronic-based energy through their wormhole that is placed within the Milky Way’s 6th dimensional black hole which will align with the Earth during December 21’s winter solstice. Beforehand on December 12, they will enact a final activation toward this unnatural energetic network.
I strongly suggest that we keep up a general awareness before and on those two dates, and check our energy while removing the fear. By us exuding our inherently more powerful energy, we can help ensure the confidence that I sense is in the works to override most and hopefully all of the destructive effects upon the Earth. At the very least, I feel confident that we can stay protected on an individual basis.
Keep in mind that December 21, 2012 is supposed to be a naturally kind time for the Earth to receive more natural, higher dimensional energies. Let us help it thwart opposing agendas against its and our right to life by staying true to our pure energy that we can remember having as innocent, loving, and confident children.