Orders – Canada and Mexico

Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods, Third Edition

Note: This third edition book is published and copyrighted in March 2021 as a minor revision.

* The price is now $40 due to increased printing and distribution costs. However, in the newly printed $40 book, some insignificant typos have been corrected.

(All prices in $USD)

Print Copy

Shipping to Canada

Priority Mail International (most affordable option; priority service)

Softcover, Autographed
$40 $44 with Personal Message
1 Book, Priority Mail International Shipping   $30.90

Shipping to Mexico

Priority Mail International (most affordable option; priority service)

Softcover, Autographed
$40 $44 with Personal Message
1 Book, Priority Mail International Shipping   $43.50


E-book (will be sent within 48 hours to your email address associated with your Paypal account)*

* Check your trash folder in case it is marked as spam

EPUB Format (most common)
MOBI Format (compatible with Kindle devices)
Kindle Format available at www.Amazon.com

Please contact us if you want more than one book sent to Canada or Mexico, so we can calculate the most affordable shipping arrangement for you.