Disinformation Agents: How They Fundamentally Operate and How They are Directing People to Versions of “Hell” (Including Their Distortion of My Work)
When I was young, I thought that evolving civilizations would contemporaneously gain more intelligent awareness, ethics, and wise judgment, because humans have many positive attributes that can build upon one another. I have since experienced that most people have chosen to look past their inner capabilities and good sense, and they direct their focus into a region of their mind that is disconnected from their deep consciousness and core essence. In this outward-facing mind, countless streams of images and ideas can enter unfiltered. Reasons, excuses, and patterns can emerge, which can form systematic beliefs irrespective of tangible reality. When people create a set of rigid laws based on their belief systems, those laws inherently involve disconnection from reality, either in small or large doses.
Religions and New Age spiritualities have created their own laws embedded with contradiction. Their agendas employ force and punishment to mask their lack of sound reason and gaslight people into ignoring the contradictions.
I have deeply analyzed and critiqued prominent versions of religious control in my lengthy case study of Judeo-Christianity (including other religions) and my exposition of the Law of One, which is the “New Age” religion (see chapters 3-5 and 10).1 I also have exposed the actual entities playing God who go out of their way to try to control us. Because those numerous entities have infiltrated the minds, fields, and sometimes bodies of their human advocates, it would be remiss of us to not include them in the quest to abolish disinformation. A strong light must be shone upon the entities’ finite natures and deceptive actions, which are fairly easy to discern when we start paying attention.
Disinformation agents have a relatively simple playbook, meaning they use an established set of directives to try to achieve their goal, similar to how a sports team strategically conquers its opponent. I will explain this playbook in this article, and I will provide examples about important parts of my work that have been targeted and misappropriated. When we become aware of their strategy, we can put up our own boundary, establish our separate space, and prevent people and their entity overseers from manipulating our consciousness.
Disinformation agents intentionally deceive. Their playbook has four main steps:
1) Scout for new information, especially information that would challenge their agenda.
2) Remove the source of that information, and take it as one’s own—they position themselves as its source. By pretending to be the creator of copied information, this could make it difficult or impossible to find the real author and original work. This step is plagiarism and theft, but the next step reveals something even worse.
3) Keep most or all of the stolen word, title, or phrase, but attach it to a mostly or completely different, erroneous definition compared to its original, correct definition. This is the disinformation.
4) Disseminate this new distortion as easily consumable media, such as superficial “fluff” articles or websites, videos, and meme images stating big claims with vague, insubstantial support. Their forms of media are purposely brief or vague because the disinformation agents do not really understand the stolen information, and they cannot explain much without exposing their distorted message’s cracks and inconsistencies.
Disinformation agents act like vampiric beings, which are both predator and parasite, by attaching to and overtaking others’ information. If we extend this further by saying they could attach to and overtake others’ minds and bodies, this widens the picture to include not only humans but also actual vampiric entities in less dense regions of our galaxy and universe who actively seek others to assimilate. These entities inhabit other dimensions (“large dimensions”)1,2 that have minimal to zero sustainable, living energies, and they do not have any connection to realms without death.
Vampiric beings both choose and resonate with death science, and they actively create new conditions for it to develop and spread; they are not the same as victims of circumstance who genuinely do not want deception and abuse. Depending upon the amount of fragmentation and degradation, they reside in phantom or phantom-aligned areas, where “phantom” is completely disconnected from anything fully living and eternal.
In our semi-phantom world, there are numerous energetic avenues that can connect with either eternal or phantom energies. The varying measures of living and fragmented energy-matter coexisting in an earthly body can essentially communicate along an in-built network of pathways, which can work collaboratively in a protected manner when aligned with one’s conscious choice to lovingly support the life in oneself. We have the opportunity to choose to be eternal-aligned or phantom-aligned, regardless of the struggles and battles affecting us in our position.
The beings causing chaos and destruction have been working to weaken us and pull us toward them, so we must perform a countermeasure by utilizing our inherent strength and sound judgment to move ourselves out of their reach. Idealistically, we should be able to just stand in peace and harmony with our environment. While that is still feasible, our stance is often not still; we defend or shift away from attacks on our minds and essence, and move toward life-supporting energies that further protect us.
Eternal energies do not contain the harshness and force that phantom energies do, and those of us who purely desire real peace, love, life, and health will naturally align with what is eternal. There is a type of chasm or large, separate space between phantom energy-matter and eternal energy-matter, and one’s intention, desire, and action are the catalyst that can bridge to a chosen side.
In my work, I state that eternal energies and creations precede phantom ones. In simplified terms, what is eternal can be viewed as original, and what is phantom is the distorted copy like in step 3 of the disinformation playbook.
Phantom beings only pretend to know what is eternal. They merely latch onto the word “eternal” or “infinite” (or “freedom,” and etcetera) as a sequence of letters that spell a foreign language with no real meaning to them, because they cannot see beyond their thoroughly finite, myopic existence. For the sake of argument, even if there remain a few phantom beings who contained eternal-based components eons ago and who may have known about something eternal, their descent into “death science” disfigured their entire being, including their consciousness, so they do not retain any accurate knowledge of what is eternal. Their entire existence is interwoven with death.
Phantom entities are desperate for artificial life. Instead of changing their behavior, dropping their narcissistic “god” ego, and seeking real life, they have chosen to create death science mechanisms through which they can forcefully extend into other environments. Sometimes, they change strategies by shifting from physical control to less obvious mind control. When they can manipulate new beings into believing their disinformation, this is easier for them because they gain willful followers (who are now weakened from the victimization, but they believe they are strong).
Two classifications of propaganda have taken hold in global society: oneness and hierarchical paradigms of creation. Despite any shiny, feel-good presentation of their messages, their underlying foundation includes decay and death. Any definition they attribute to concepts about eternal creation or pre-creation will always be discordant and contradictory to the purer concept they are trying to claim or represent. They are not only causing chaos, but they are also creating nonsensical fiction.
The main messages of my work are original, and not only that, my most revelatory message introduces and describes the eternal, pure, conscious source existing before eternal creation. This information is highly coveted by phantom entities who seek to usurp and eliminate any knowledge outside of their fabricated stories asserting one or more entities in their group is God/Source. And, any knowledge they might gain about what is actually eternal will be misdirected to posture themselves as that eternal essence.
The way for phantom entities to find such knowledge is to use their human pawns as their outreach team. These phantom-aligned people have allowed themselves to be infiltrated by their god, angel, guide, or “higher self” imposter (the proper higher self does not impose oneself), meaning their fields and potentially also bodies have become measurably integrated with phantom entities, who can oversee and know the thoughts and actions of their possessed humans.
I want to discuss the misappropriation and severe distortion of “high level” information originating in my published work. I am humbled but also emboldened to state that the words and titles I will address were first revealed to me and my mother in 2013, and I wrote them in my 2014 second edition of Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods (further expounded and clarified in the preferred 2021 third edition.)1,3 Earth’s natural pathway of ascension had started to open, which increases a flow of eternal-based energy that facilitated our position—which was already aligned—to receive this new information on Earth. These words and titles identifying very important eternal realities are the following: Aqualasha (galaxy, properly written as AquaLaSha); All That Is, The Pure Essence; and Eia. I will also discuss a few components relating to AquaLaSha that have been targeted by an elaborate disinformation agenda because they directly involve Earth during this critical time.
As some background for context, while I continued to utilize my inner wisdom to probe deeper into new concepts for my large book, my and my mother’s individual and combined efforts facilitated a gentle pathway for new words and concepts to reach us. We were holding the space within our respective core essence to try to find truth and reality in eternal realms and pre-realms, specifically the eternal source before creation. Therefore, our pure intention and desire provided a protected bridge with our core essence to interface with what is really pure, essentially meeting it and gently flowing with the extension of its very calm energy. Through my inward-facing mind, I saw my integrated consciousness expanding to partially see into a bigger cosmology beyond our decaying universe. My mind surpassed a thick veil or unshaped box, and I felt an entirely different, open, and free existence that far exceeds the distortions, refractions, and fractals that have been created much later. This is very different from an outward-facing mind that is easily manipulated by entities, and whose “third eye” implant is utilized by all channelers and prophets.
In June 2014, in my copyrighted second edition book,3 I introduced the word “AquaLaSha” (pronounced with a long “ā” at the end, which I often wrote as AquaLaShA to help the reader remember). My mother and I had received the name “AquaLaSha” for the eternal galaxy that is the galactic origin of our Milky Way galaxy. In that book, I provided and referenced sources explaining the creation of the Milky Way in chapters 7 and 8, whose information I have further corrected and clarified in the third edition.1 Revealing the name “AquaLaSha” was important to me because it underscores the distinction of a separate, special galaxy whose energy-matter can resonate with ours (tangibly but deeply and subtly) through our earliest familial connection if we are eternal-aligned.
Nefarious entities were initially able to reach by artificial connection some areas of AquaLaSha (but not the core areas), which essentially turned the disinformation playbook into a material reality by creating stages of distorted copies in other dimensional spaces. The Milky Way is not the first galaxy to have been created as an off-shoot from AquaLaSha; I named that galaxy “Galaxy-2” for its protection (AquaLaSha is Galaxy-1). Galaxy-2 has less distortion than the Milky Way. The nefarious entities require many stages to infect aspects of creation with death mechanics, which can create environments engendering weakened, confused, and ill beings who may not realize how they are being controlled.
The main disinformation agent who has misappropriated the word “AquaLaSha” and twisted its meaning is Lisa Renee, who created a website called Ascension Glossary.4 Less than a decade ago, I saw that Lisa Renee had copied a couple definitions from my first edition book, and she cited my name and book. This showed me that she found my work. Since then, she has not cited me or my work containing the words she plagiarized. Accordingly, many of the words in her “glossary” have been taken from Ashayana Deane’s lengthy work without giving any credit to Ashayana. (Ashayana now prefers to be called E’Asha, but I will state “Ashayana” when referring to the earlier time period.) Ashayana/E’Asha wrote a public statement years ago calling out Lisa Renee’s numerous offenses.
As I was researching Ashayana’s work, I saw that Lisa Renee’s “information” is more distorted than Ashayana’s teachings. However, Lisa Renee is similar to Ashayana in that they both self-reported as a “walk-in,” meaning that their physical body became close to death, and they allowed a phantom or phantom-based entity—having a less dense composition—to fully enter into their body, literally making it the “hands and feet” of the controlling entity.5 Both of these “women” have been spokespersons for a large entity group called the Guardian Alliance, which oftentimes has diverse affiliations. Phantom and phantom-aligned entity groups operate with hierarchy, and they show that they prefer to have one main speaker at a time. I deduced that Lisa Renee works with a similar but also competing faction to the larger group that has worked with Ashayana.
Lisa Renee, Ashayana/E’Asha, and others within the Law of One network have been teaching us to direct our attention to the M31 Andromeda galaxy. They claim that M31 Andromeda is the eternal galaxy from which the Milky Way was originally created, but it should be obvious to everyone that any galaxy with a supermassive black hole is not and cannot be eternal. I will now reveal the reasons why the Andromeda galaxy is their collaborative focus: it not only serves as a “control tower” hub for phantom and phantom-based entities, it also was created from a siphoned portion of Galaxy-2, similar to how the Milky Way was created. One critical difference is that the Andromeda galaxy is generally more phantom than the Milky Way galaxy (there appears to be two supermassive black holes in M31 Andromeda, too). Because of M31 Andromeda’s advanced phantom-based status compared to the Milky Way, and because both galaxies share an ancient, familial connection, the Milky Way is an unfortunately optimum target.
These disinformation agents are increasing their efforts to convince people to believe that M31 Andromeda is eternal and that people’s connections with it will save themselves and the Earth. They are teaching and transmitting harmful energies to their human followers, who then relay this energy as “gridwork” into Earth. However, the great news is that the Earth—as a conscious, distinct life form—decidedly does not want these intrusions and is actively trying to deflect their death energies from its essence. The Earth responds with an “ebb and flow” energetic motion to try to preserve its natural path of ascension.
Lisa Renee’s first mention of AquaLaSha was in the beginning of 2018, and she added more statements in 2019. Her definition, currently shown in her Ascension Glossary, is riddled with nonsense: “The original Krystal Galaxy of the original diamond body is located in the God worlds in the Seven Higher Heavens and is called AqualaSha.” She continues: “The Blue Rainbow Galactic Suns from the Aqualasha matrix in the heart of Andromeda, are one of the Galactic Sun-Star bodies that have shown up for grid projects and are supporting crystal transmissions for planetary ascension.”4
Accordingly, Lisa Renee’s only mention of Urtha—the eternal, third dimension planet connected to Earth—places it in AquaLaSha, which I originally stated. Initially, Ashayana introduced the correct name Urtha, but she has erroneously (and purposely) placed it in M31 Andromeda, which Lisa Renee is also doing by equating AquaLaSha to M31 Andromeda. Both Ashayana and Lisa Renee also misappropriated the name of an eternal realm preceding galaxies—Aquinos—and applied it to M31 Andromeda, although ironically another one of Ashayana’s many entity sources actually revealed Aquinos correctly (in a cited reference in chapter 7).1,3 Lisa Renee’s quote is purposely misleading: “Another name for the Andromeda Galaxy is the Aquinos Galaxy.”4 I posit that all of her misinformation is purposeful because she is an entity walk-in who spreads a severely phantom agenda for Earth and its inhabitants.
Halls of Amenti and Aurora fields
What concerns humanity at this point in time is a potentially very real physical ascension process naturally directing to increasingly eternal-based locations. Because of the overwhelming presence of disinformation, it is crucial to discern the differences among what is being taught. Lisa Renee and Ashayana/E’Asha are parts of one group, which also includes a plethora of New Age channelers who share aspects of the same agenda, and I am affiliated with a fundamentally different group while I am self-directed. They and I may use the same or similar words, but these words have noticeably different meanings. I want to alert you about two relevant words and phrases at this time, which are better explained in chapter 8 of my 2021 third edition book: “Halls of Amenti” and “Aurora” fields or platforms.1 I plan to explain more in a few articles and maybe also videos this year, revealing pertinent information to those of us who desire to naturally connect with and ascend toward what is actually living.
The Halls of Amenti are original stargates in Earth, containing specific passageways for Earth and its aligned inhabitants to properly ascend to higher dimensional locations having increased eternal-based energy-matter. One of the locations, fifth dimension Tara, has since largely (but not entirely) fallen to phantom entity groups, and its stargate connection to Earth has become severely compromised and dangerous.
Interfering entities have siphoned enough of Tara’s energy-matter to create a phantom version of Tara in a hidden, new location for their dark agendas. New Age channelers, prophets, and other possessed people are excitedly telling people that we can soon ascend to the “New Earth” in “5D” (5th dimension); however, what they are really doing is directing people to Phantom Tara via portals controlled by phantom entities.
There appears to be another “new Earth” in the Andromeda galaxy, which is an older, controlled location where hierarchical and Law of One entities wield technologies to further their religious agendas to key portions of lower dimensions in the Milky Way (including the 4th dimensional Andromeda star system)6. Through their focus on Earth and Tara, it is apparent that they had bridged “New Earth” Phantom Tara to the “new Earth” in M31 Andromeda. And, through their human disinformation agents, the entities transmit thought patterns and rigid mathematical and geometric designs to systematically train humans to accept and embody their foreign, controlled energies—a process that further anchors and establishes encoded bridges toward M31 Andromeda. The goal of this deliberate, implanted architecture is to harness vulnerable portions of Earth’s energies and redirect them and humans to alternate paths that exist outside of our inherent, natural ascension viability. Disinformation agents teach that their bridges are evolutionary pathways that will upgrade our genetics and give us “freedom.” I do not consider disfigurement, increased fragmentation, and enslavement as upgrades.
In chapter 8, I wrote in-depth about Earth’s natural ascension process, and I mentioned a phantom-based portal system called the Third Eye of Horus, which was installed in Egypt long ago.1 Ashayana, as the spokesperson of her Guardian Alliance group, misappropriated the name of the natural bridge system—Halls of Amenti—and applied it to the Third Eye of Horus, thus presenting it favorably. However, the Third Eye of Horus is just another artificially constructed, distorted “copy” of something original. Ashayana frequently removed (and continues to remove) distinct characteristics between two separate people, places, or things and replaced one’s name with another, because her oneness perspective fundamentally eradicates boundary and individuality. I corrected several occasions in which she did this regarding notable topics when writing my large book.1
This instance and others brought me to think about some of the Halls of Amenti, including “Halls of Amenti” in name only, that are compromised. Phantom-aligned entities have created other “copies” that are weaker and highly distorted, including a bridge network comprised of wormholes, and they are teaching through their human pawns that at least one of their artificial networks is the actual Halls of Amenti (with no other identifier than the copied name). At this point, we do not know which of their bridges they are planning to use first to lure people to their phantom locations, but we do know enough through their words and actions to conclude that they are not utilizing something truly eternal-based.
This discernment also applies to some of the actual Halls of Amenti stargates, which are embattled and sometimes under the control of a phantom-aligned entity group. Because both eternal-based and phantom-compromised versions of the Halls of Amenti connect with certain parts of the Earth—but the majority of Earth, including its core, is with eternal-based Halls of Amenti—their minute resemblance is not enough to confound the detectable differences that separate them.
The Aurora fields are trans-harmonic fields located just prior to dimensional levels between Earth and its 3rd dimension counterpart in Galaxy-2, and between the Galaxy-2 counterpart and AquaLaSha’s Urtha. Aurora fields originate in specific eternal realms called Eckashas and in-between spaces called Hub realms, and their energies are flowing with Earth as an added support and protection for its eternal-aligned ascension.
Aurora fields are different from Aurora platforms, which are four zones that were constructed to replicate parts of Earth’s and Urtha’s energy fields as a form of connection to the Aurora fields. These intermediary platforms were not a sufficiently stable connection and became compromised from attacks, so they were shut down.
Lisa Renee uses the word “Aurora” in reference to the Aurora platforms, calling them “safe zones.” She states, “There is an Aurora Platform that creates passage way between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.” There is no Aurora platform between the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, unless it is a distorted copy in name only. In her “Aurora” definition, she incorrectly states that Aurora energies are “from the Seven Higher Heavens in Andromeda.” She also claims that Aurora beings adhere to the Law of One.4 I assert that eternal beings do not support the Law of One, which is a very old religion whose origins and networks I expose in my 2021 third edition book.1 Lisa Renee’s work tries to tether us and dear Earth to phantom creations in M31 Andromeda, so she will frame Andromeda positively, although her definitions reveal otherwise.
Just because someone “spiritual” communicates a number of foreign words, concepts, and geometries does not necessarily mean that they are valid. While stating a lot of nonsense, which can be discerned, who or what is communicating is trying to overwhelm people into submission, succeeding when people tell themselves, “I can’t make much sense of this, so it must be very advanced. I should trust them and let them guide me.”
As autonomous individuals, we can use our intelligence and inner wisdom to investigate foreign concepts and compare them with our tangible reality. Even if we cannot fully prove them, especially when they involve things beyond our Earth, we are able to partially prove them through our personal and environmental natures experiencing both death and life mechanics in some measure.
All That Is, The Pure Essence and Eia
My large book was written primarily through my lens seeing humanity’s deepest, foundational essence and consciousness having the most eternal-based energy and integrity. Anything else that exists in one’s composition must be integrated and aligned with its eternal-based core aspects; otherwise, the knowledge and experience of actual life—including health and a sound mind—will be reduced or lost. People use the words “soul” and “spirit” to identify our inner nature that can be spared from the death process, but there is a deeper core essence and foundational consciousness (both as one’s core aspects, but one’s consciousness is slightly less dense) that is even more intact and potentially untouched by the death process. Our core aspects contain the most eternal-based energy-matter in our overall composition, and because they can naturally connect with what is eternal, we can perceive our core as our personal source giving us the most life.
Taking the concept of a truly life-sustaining source further—much further to the beginning—we can ponder the existence of something fully eternal, fully conscious, and fully pure. For these three attributes to exist as a type of essence, this essence must be separate from any hint of fragmentation, distortion, or decay whatsoever. And, as something fully pure, this essence is comprised of an inexplicably light, simple “energy” as its singular nature. As a reference point that we can understand, hydrogen is the lightest atom in our dense reality; however, atoms are not singular and are comprised of smaller units. When we contemplate “the beginning before creation,” this statement is literal, meaning that no creational components are there.
I have taken great care to introduce and explain what I and my mother have discovered as the “Source” before creation, whose full title I revealed in 2014: All That Is, The Pure Essence. Before 2013 (when I first learned this title), I just knew the title as “All That Is,” where “Is” is the focus, and “All That” is the descriptor of its eternal, conscious essence that always “Is.” To explain it another way, the “All” refers to the only essence that “Is” and has always existed, so the “All” is self-contained. Another aspect of the “Is” is that there is no movement: the All That Is, The Pure Essence is stationary (but not a “zero-point” hypothesized in theoretical physics or the New Age community). Note: I explored the topic of consciousness in chapter 6 to concisely explain how it can slightly expand without changing its foundational nature.1,2
In my 2021 third edition book, I provide many descriptions of the All That Is, The Pure Essence in its own “words,” which materialize as fire letters as they extend to and interface with my mother’s core essence and foundational consciousness.1 I allowed it to present Itself, and I also included my thoughts and questions to add discernment and clarity. The All That Is, The Pure Essence gave me its permission to reveal its existence in order to reach the small number of people who genuinely do not want death mechanics in any capacity, and who have the pure intention and desire that naturally interface and flow with eternal energy. This purpose is not to create a new religion; if anyone tries to start a religion based on revelations from my work, I strongly oppose this act of distortion.
The All That Is, The Pure Essence is entirely unaffected by any distortion. In our position, however, we have been subjected to entity sources that have misappropriated part or all of its title. Law of One/Oneness believers are the main offenders, teaching their variations of “All That Is,” “All There Is,” “Everything There Is,” and etcetera within a oneness paradigm combining creation and their idea of a creator.
The All That Is, The Pure Essence is not a creator because it does not have creative force. Phantom-aligned beings cannot understand nor represent it accurately because they only know force, including their insidious force hiding behind a bright, masked surface or a human mediator.
Because the All That Is, The Pure Essence is stationary, a type of bridge is needed to facilitate its connection with pure-intended creation. This energetic bridge, which naturally conveys the extended consciousness of the All That Is, The Pure Essence, is a fully eternal, fully undistorted, fully conscious, simple, pre-field wave, whose “name” was revealed to me and my mother as Eia (I spelled the pronunciation in my books, which is a bit more protected than it would be on this website).
Eia is the first essence having substantial movement, exceeding a trillion or trillions of hertz in our understanding. As I wrote in both chapter 6 and my cosmology book, “The All That Is, The Pure Essence explains that early waves are not powerful in the way of our density’s four fundamental forces; it prefers to state that the ‘waves exude exceptional energy.’”1,2
Both eternal and eternal-based creations have their own energetic bridges built into their cores, although eternal-based creations, including higher aware humans, need more internal bridges to overcome our semi-phantom fragmentations. Proper self-integration is necessary for us to be able to directly connect with eternal energies with natural ease.
What I want to say now is that disinformation agents, including their human followers who may believe they are stating “truth,” have started to latch onto the same words of “All That Is, The Pure Essence” and “Eia” from my work, pulled these words into their religious paradigms, and replaced the names of their God/gods with these new names/titles in their statements on the internet. People coming from a traditionally religious mindset with obvious, hierarchical entity overseers have personified All That Is, The Pure Essence as a “He” and “Father,” and Eia as a “She” and “Mother.” (Just now writing this extreme distortion has hit me with a negative energy at my lower chest, from which I had to instantly avert myself. I will increase my personal protection as I briefly continue.) People coming from a oneness and Law of One mindset define All That Is, The Pure Essence as a field, either encompassing all of creation or containing all the building blocks of and for creation.
Both of these groups of people have merely upgraded their misappropriated title of “All That Is,” which initially was undoubtedly taken by one or more scouts who heard about it in a higher dimension and applied it to their Law of One religion. What they now fail to understand is that “The Pure Essence” is built into its full title, which they fundamentally cannot distort. However, in our very semi-phantom civilization that sometimes treads the phantom line, disinformation agents have been trying to distort everything. This is why we need to uproot the lies and bring back congruency with words and their meanings. Language conveys distinct energies and organization, not confusion and chaos.
Agents disseminating disinformation may or may not know they are telling lies, but the progenitor of that lie, human or otherwise, has the intention to deceive because of a self-serving motive. People are being gaslighted to believe that what is obvious is not obvious, and concepts and words with established meanings—supported by logic and oftentimes physical senses—are being dismantled and projected onto opposing terminology.
We can reclaim information that was twisted by a disinformation agent by reversing the steps to the beginning of the disinformation playbook, seeking the source before the omission and distortion. Or, if the nonsense is severe, we can (and should) just ignore the claim entirely.
Words identify things in existence, and they also carry energy through their meaning. We must analyze every description of terms presented and look for the source—human or otherwise—of the teaching to see what is original or derivative, and whether there is real integrity in that source.
[On a related note, I chose significant areas of Ashayana’s work to critique in my books. Some of her followers claimed that some of my work is derivative of hers. They did not expound upon their claim; instead, they attacked my character, going so far as to call me a “demon” because I challenged the core of her teachings. The core of my work is entirely original. When I mentioned other people’s work, I fairly and often deeply critiqued their statements, I referenced the sources within my text or bibliography, and I explained how my thoughts and sources differed or agreed, all of which is appropriate academic protocol. I have not taken another person’s work as my own, nor have I imitated another person’s work as though it were the foundation of mine.]
Now that our time is getting closer to the expected possibility of ascension, both disinformation and misinformation can be seen near actual knowledge and truth. It is as though they are somewhat parallel but also quickly divergent toward opposite directions, because the topics involve our semi-phantom region where there are diverse components and facilitators. However, we must not forget that there are boundaries and unique spaces within ourselves and our environments, whereby we retain our autonomy and can take hold of our own consciousness and ultimately our life’s direction. While disinformation agents may affect numerous people, their manipulative efforts cannot and do not deter those of us who deeply desire and seek truth, goodness, and LIFE.
1. Talea, Theresa. Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods: How an Ex-Prophet and I Left Religion and Discovered Universes Beyond and Within. 3rd Ed. California: Rediscovery Press, 2021.
2. Talea, Theresa. Proposing a “New” Cosmology Beyond Death Science. 2nd Ed. California: Rediscovery Press, 2018.
3. Talea, Theresa. Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods: How an Ex-Prophet and I Left Religion and Discovered Universes Beyond and Within. 2nd Ed. California: Rediscovery Press, 2014.
4. Renee, Lisa. Ascension Glossary. [Online] Energetic Synthesis. [Cited February 28, 2025.]
5. Balistreya, Alex. A Closer Look at the Andromeda Deception: Unveiling its Agenda. As Truth Stands. [Online] Alexander Balistreya, August 10, 2024.
6. Talea, Theresa. Revealing the Andromeda Deception. Rediscovery Press. [Online] Theresa Talea, June 3, 2024. https://www.rediscoverypress.com/revealing-the-andromeda-deception/
* A final note: I do not soften my words in this article because this is a very serious, far-reaching topic, which is especially important this year. I am standing up to deception, and in doing so, I want to be clear. By the way, this has nothing to do with “duality,” which carries a religious connotation. My perspective is not derived from a religion; I give voice to what I see and experience, and to other things that exist in a big reality.
This article, and others on my website, took many hours to write. If you appreciate this content, please consider donating any monetary amount via the “Donate” button on the front page of this website. Thank you. *