Update about my documentary with more information

Time has been feeling faster and shorter to me. What about you?


It’s now summer, and my documentary film is not yet finished – but it’s close. Back in February, I did not fully know how extensive and detailed this project would be. I have been working very hard on it, and I am happy to report that all of the content is edited and in place. There is a lot of content, which I have chosen and aligned with the aspects of the film. The final technical corrections are currently in progress.

I like to have goals and expectations to meet those goals, so even if I don’t meet a soft deadline, I am motivated to really try. In my early expectation when I hoped to complete this film, I forgot about adding the closed caption subtitles, which takes more time. I recently started doing this, and although it’s mainly slow and tiring work, I actually like it because I am sort of writing again by choosing the written style of the words that were spoken.

I decided to create subtitles in English that people can turn on or off—closed captions—so that all words can be clearly understood, and this also will assist people who are hard-of-hearing. In addition, I’ve heard there is translation software out there that can translate the closed captions into a foreign language. While the translation probably won’t be entirely accurate, at least the original language will be, so I hope that people will refer to the English words for clarity.

I have loved working on my and my mother’s documentary. I also have been pushing myself to make up for some lost time due to obstacles causing much delay, so I’ll see how I can incorporate a bit more rest and balance in my life during this final stage of work. I just want you to know that I and my small team will finish this two hour film as soon as possible. I am excited because I really love this film! 😀


~Theresa Talea